Aug 20, 2019
Edwin Fox Museum
We were visiting The Edwin Fox Museum to partake in an educational visit. John Orchard of the Marlborough Museum took the children...
Jun 25, 2019
The First School Visit
We have had the pleasure of Dylan, Rydah and Indie visit our school for their first school visit on Wednesday of last week. The children ...
Jun 12, 2019
Te Wheke Akoranga Kahui Ako Production
We have begun in earnest our rehearsing and creating for the Te Wheke Akoranga Kahui Ako Production on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of...
May 28, 2019
Des Hunt
The children immensely enjoyed visiting Linkwater School to listen to and interact with Des Hunt - his analogies of how physics was his...
May 8, 2019
Earthday Exhibition
Earthday is being celebrated for a little longer in Marlborough with the exhibition of student artwork. The exhibition at the ASB...