Apr 10, 2019End of Term One AssemblyToday we held our End of Term One Assembly. We showed to our families and friends what we have learnt in this term also our artworks. Thank you for coming and watching us.IMG_2091IMG_2089IMG_2090IMG_2092IMG_2116IMG_2099IMG_2106IMG_2110IMG_2107IMG_2096IMG_2112IMG_2098IMG_2132IMG_2133IMG_2111IMG_2134IMG_2128IMG_2135
Today we held our End of Term One Assembly. We showed to our families and friends what we have learnt in this term also our artworks. Thank you for coming and watching us.IMG_2091IMG_2089IMG_2090IMG_2092IMG_2116IMG_2099IMG_2106IMG_2110IMG_2107IMG_2096IMG_2112IMG_2098IMG_2132IMG_2133IMG_2111IMG_2134IMG_2128IMG_2135