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Earthday Exhibition

Earthday is being celebrated for a little longer in Marlborough with the exhibition of student artwork.

The exhibition at the ASB Theatre, themed Protect Our Species, marks the 49th year of Earthday celebrations. Artwork from primary and secondary school students from around the region was on display in the foyer.

From 273 student submissions, 63 drawings were selected and printed onto 60 cotton banners, 40 at the ASB Theatre, and 10 each at the Picton Library and in Havelock.

We are proud to inform you that two of our students` artwork had been selected, Archie`s karaearea (New Zealand falcon) and Olivia`s pinguin family.

Here you can read Olivia`s experiences and how she felt about it:

When I went to the ASB theater I felt excited and when I got there I saw all the banners.

I saw my picture up on the banner and it looked really good.

I was proud of myself. I got chosen because they thought that we should protect little blue penguins and because my penguins looked interesting.

And here you can see all of our artwork.


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