Te Wheke Akoranga Kahui Ako Production
We have begun in earnest our rehearsing and creating for the Te Wheke Akoranga Kahui Ako Production on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of June in Picton we have Ben Jones in each afternoon working with the children to create a rather large Te Wheke (Octopus) while the children and I are rehearsing and creating a giant tentacle that represents Waitaria Bay School and will be hung in Queen Charlotte Hall for all to see. We will be staying in Picton overnight on the Thursday night and the children will attend either Waikawa School or Picton School on the Friday. Please see attached the advertisement and decide which night you would like to buy tickets for. This event is a part of the Tuia 250 celebrations around the arrival of captain Cook, at this stage we already are looking to sell out for one of the nights probably both - the hall seats about 450 people. Permission slips will come out early next week. Newspaper - If you have any newspaper lying around your house please could you send it in to us - our octopus needs your support.